Friday, October 11, 2013

Boosterthon 2013

This was Reagan's 2nd year participating in the Boosterthon for school. We love this fundraiser idea. No candy or wrapping paper to sell and it's a physical activity, score. Reagan was super excited and thanks to our awesome friends and family she raised a little over $250. This year the time fell just right that she was set to run first thing in the morning after I dropped Abby off at school so Quinn & I headed over to the school to cheer her on. They really did a great job and had a dj with music going non stop and there were many people there cheering the kids on. Reagan would light up with each lap that she passed Quinn & I and would often stop to give us a high five. The kids were such troopers because it was HOT out there! Luckily there was a water station that Reagan stopped at very frequently.

 My little trooper. 

 Getting marked. 

 Coming in for a high five. 

 Showing off her lap count. 

 Running with friends makes it fun. 

 So proud of my Reagan. 
With just a little more time she would have completed the maximum 35 laps 
but she got to 33 and I thought that was awesome.

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