Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Every week is a new world

No really it is. It's been quite a week. Reagan is now getting into everything. If you think something is out of her reach it needs to be pushed back another couple of feet! Examples from just this week:

1. She was able to reach and break a votive candle holder. She was very upset about this.
2. She very quietly took out 2 boxes of baking chocolate from the pantry and unwrapped them and displayed them on the floor. I can see where she tried to lick or take a bite. I'm sure she was not too happy about that choice as it was bittersweet chocolate.
3. She decided to try and get her own water from the fridge. With her cup she can reach the spout and she and the floor were covered in water. Time to use the lock on that!

We obviously underestimate the level of her sneakiness!

We are also having the pleasure of cutting her canine teeth. Everyone is 100% correct that this is worse them molars. The top 2 are halfway in and it looks like we are about to go through round 2 with the bottom. The good news is that after this we just have her 2 year molars to look forward to.

In the midst of the pain and curiosity of this week we did have a little fun. Reagan discovered the sprinkler and how much fun she could have. We couldn't really capture it on film but she likes to stand in front of it and catch the water in her mouth!


Jessica Davis said...

aren't they fun? I am thinking we shouldn't let them teach each other sneaky stuff... ;)
miss you!

Court said...

oh those teeth...I remember that not too long ago! Poor thing...and poor Mommy! Hope she's feeling better.