Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Reagan's 2 year Dr. Visit

She is huge!!!

33.5lbs (97%)

34.75in (80%)

She took her shot like a pro. She watched the nurse do it and didn't even peep!

Apparently it is time to make the switch from whole to 2% milk which I don't see as being a problem. We don't need to push potty training until she is ready nor taking away the pacifier as she only sleeps with it. Dr. is still concerned that taking away the pacificer can lead to thumb sucking which we do not want. She thinks that once she starts Mothers Day Out this fall and sees other kiddos using the big potty and not sleeping with pacifiers that she will make these decisions on her own.

1 comment:

Court said...

Wow! Big girl! I just did an online class @ switching milks. I didn't realize that you should switch when they turn 2. They advised to go straight to 1%, that 2% still has too much fat for kiddos that little. Maggie will drink anything, so it's not been an issue. Now, if I can only get her to stop needing a bottle at nap/bedtime. Talk about major battle zone! And potty training...forget about it. We're no where near that!