Sunday, August 2, 2009

Our week in pictures..........


Reagan got a hold of a sharpie when Dad ran downstairs to make lunch.

Our tv died. We are currently set up with a little tv on a folding table in front of the old one. We did go out and buy a tv on Saturday but it will not be arriving for a week.


Mom left a candle burning in a jar on the counter. It's been done a million times before but this time was a little different. It's now nicely burnt and bubbled. Unfortunately we were not looking to replace the counters in this house but will now be looking for a sale at Home Depot.

Add these to the computer & refrigerator in the garage that we've already replaced this year and by the end of the year we'll also have a new tv, a painted gameroom and new counters. Only 5 more months to go................


Delia said...

Oh bummer...what a week. Look on the bright side. Today starts a whole new one!

Jessica Davis said...

awhhhh... I hope things get better... and this is a new and better week! :)

Court said...

OH.MY.WORD. I honestly can't believe that we haven't had the marker incident yet. Did you have to count silently to 100 when you saw that?! Hope this week is better for you guys!

kbarsch said...

Glad you guys survived--hopefully all the bad stuff is out of the way and only good stuff will come this week!