Friday, November 20, 2009

Sickness Sickness Sickness

From the title you should know there may be things you might not want to know in here. If so don't read. 

Reagan woke up with a fever of 101 on Wednesday. Poor girl had to stay home from school and missed her Thanksgiving lunch. She acted just fine. She proceeded to drive me crazy all day. She really needs the structure of school and people to talk to. All day long she brought me things and had questions. Not an annoyance normally unless you are trying to work!

Thursday Reagan woke up with a fever of 100 and had to stay home again and missed her 2nd Thanksgiving lunch. She'd had it though with missing 1 day of school. Around the normal time she brought Dad her shoes and said "School?". Poor thing was heartbroken she couldn't go. Dad seemed to have the same experience of Reagan during the day. When he called that morning to school he found that a little girl in her class has the flu. I decided to call the nurse on my way home and they fit her in for an appt for Friday if her fever had not broken. At that time her fever was back up to 101 and she had a horrible cough/congestion. Abby started coughing at that point too. Let's just say that Thursday was a very long night.

Friday and Reagan still has a 100 fever. Abby has none and I had none. We both had low grade fevers the night before. Yes, the inevitable, no school. She was pretty mad. She was happy though about going to see her Dr. Silly girl. So we waited in the waiting room for a bit and in the sick kid area. We've never been in this area. It was Reagan's first time to go to the Dr for anything other then a well visit. Reagan got to have her weight checked which she oddly likes to do and then still indeed had a temp of 100. She got her nose swabbed for flu. We waited and she jumped from colored square to colored square in the room. The nurse stuck her head in and let me know that she negative for the flu. Well what the heck was it?! We finally got to see the Dr who first came in and gave Reagan a hug. She thought it was sad to see her looking so down since she never has. At this point Reagan was in fact running out of juice and starting to look miserable. First time in 3 days. We found out that her throat looked a little sore and that while she has a cough her lungs were clear and then the shocker - looked in 1 ear and it was infected and then looked in the other ear and it was even worse. We had no clue. She has never complained about her ears and we have never dealt with an ear infection. Then I got really scared because we are flying on Tuesday but I was told all should be well and we were given a prescription that doesn't have to be kept cold so it will travel well. We dropped of the prescription and came home.

Reagan ate a little bit of lunch and then we started to fight about taking more tylenol. I got one tablet in her with a bit of force. I got the second one in and she choked once and then threw up. Another first - Reagan had never thrown up before. She flipped out. After I got her shirt off and calmed her down I told her to go in the bathroom and we would wash our hands and get cleaned up. She got up on her stool took one look at herself in the mirror and had a meltdown. She was horrified. We got her cleaned up and off to bed where she has been since 1:30pm. (It's 5pm)

So now we wait. Dad will pick up the medicine and we'll get it in her right away. We're crossing our fingers it works quickly!

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