Friday, February 24, 2012

Abby's 3 Year Stats

We went to see our favorite Dr the day before Abby's birthday. All that week all the girls in the house had been sick so I thought this might be interesting. Interesting it was! Not only did the girls entertain themselves & me but Abby's numbers were quite surprising. We've always struggled just to stay on the charts when it comes to height and weight which I'm sure is no surprise to anyone who has knows Abby. She's just a tiny little thing. What a difference a year makes! At 3 years Abby is

weight - 29lbs 8oz (38.15%)
height - 36.5" (30.62%)

Her Dr was shocked and reminded me of all those weekly visits to check her weight when she was little. I'm just excited that my 3 year old has started moving into 2T clothes!

Abby turned out to have an ear infection so we got a prescription for that and the girls both got a flu mist since we were there and then we were on our way.

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