Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Speaking of adding to the family.............

We're very excited to be expecting kiddo #3 who is due on March 10, 2013. It's definitely made for many interesting conversations around here! Here are some of the fun things that have come up (mostly with Abby):

- We were very excited to tell the girls so once we were out of the 1st trimester and had the ok from the Dr. we told them at dinner we had a surprise for them after dinner. We showed them the picture of the u/s as Reagan had seen one a few months earlier and there was silence. We explained what the picture was and that we were going to have a baby. The atmosphere still held none of the excitement that we had expected. Finally Abby spoke up, "A cookie would have been a better surprise."

- The girls constantly argue over the sex of the baby. Someone is going to be heartbroken. Reagan really wants a boy and Abby wants a girl. When Abby was asked what she would think if the baby turns out to be a boy she said, "Well I guess Reagan would be happy."

- Reagan is busy finding baby toys around the house and putting them aside and shopping in magazines for things that she thinks we need to buy. She is also planning to teach the baby his/her letters and numbers and plans to feed the baby.

- Abby "Mommy, you ate a baby"
   Me "What?!"
   Abby "You ate a baby, that's how it got in your tummy"
   Me "That's not really how it works. I did not eat a baby."
   Abby "Well, when I'm a Mommy I'm going to eat a boy baby."

- We're thinking that Abby may have some issues adjusting when the baby comes mostly because she is quite the Mama's girl and is very attached. One night after she stated that she wanted to cuddle with me all the time I asked her, "Abby, are you going to be mad at me when the baby comes and I have to take care of the baby? I am going to have to hold the baby a lot and may not be able to cuddle with you all the time." She thought for a moment and then said, "Well, I think you will have to go to time out then."

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