Sunday, November 10, 2013

At the Ballet.......................

A friend posted about a special performance that the Houston Ballet was putting on. It was only $10/ticket, 45 minutes long & in a small intimate venue. I thought that sounded like the perfect way to introduce Reagan & Abby to the ballet. I surprised the girls and only told them that they needed to dress up. We headed downtown and just as we were about to park Reagan spotted a sign and guessed where we were headed. They were SO excited. The set up was wonderful and only had about 7 rows of seats and the audience was full of kids. It was the perfect introduction for them and they loved it. Afterwards they had a Q&A for the kids and then a few of the cast came out for pictures.

Little Red Riding Hood

The Big Bad Wolf (Abby wasn't going near him!)

Puss N Boots!

And of course on the way back to the car we had to take pictures along the way.

I'm so glad the girls enjoyed themselves. Now they are seeing commercials for the Nutcracker and are asking to go!

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