Saturday, January 11, 2014

Quinn - 10 months

10 months - Just 2 more months til a year! Craziness!

- Quinn is now sort of crawling. She crawls normal a little bit but often scoots still with one of her legs curled in front of her. We call her Scoot-a-loo. Don't underestimate her though as she is pretty quick.

 - She has started to pull up a bit though usually just to her knees. A ok with us as we'd rather not have a walking kid yet.

- She waves bye-bye, if you're lucky.

- She has turned out to be quite the dancer. She's figured out how to make her Princess Castle sing and will dance along. She also dances to the tv even if it's just the opening/closing to the show. This makes her very distracted though.

- She still prefers Mom to anyone but will often settle for Abby. When Abby went back to school Quinn cried after she got out of the car.

- She's cutting her 2 front top teeth. In fact they broke through a couple of days after the 8th. 

 She's coming for me. 

Never safe from this Mama's girl.

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