Sunday, February 16, 2014

Quinn - 11 months

Quinn is crazy but we already knew that. She's very determined and opinionated. So much for the idea that kid #3 is easy going and is just along for the ride. She wants to tell us where the ride is going. She loves food. Seriously. She's pretty much over baby food and will only tolerate it sometimes. She has 6 teeth and will cruise along while holding onto the couch. She waves & claps. Says mama, dada, ni-ni(night night), and most importantly Ya-Ya(Abby). She loves her Ya-Ya. Abby's still not thrilled with the name but tolerates it since Quinn can do no wrong in her eyes. She has developed a love for baby dolls. She hugs them and pats them. She will sometimes sit still a little while to watch a bit of tv, especially if there is music involved. She loves music and knows how to work the Ipod. She has at least 3 different moves now. She is always on the go and is quick. Her sleeping is better and for the most part lately she has been making it til 5-6am and will sometimes cuddle up and go back to sleep with me. We're in the final countdown to 1.

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