Thursday, January 22, 2009

Crazy Weekend

So Reagan woke up from her nap on Thursday with a 101 fever. Fun. Shockingly in almost 20 months of her life this was her first fever. She actually was acting like she felt just fun. Within the next day she wasn't eating or drinking too much so if there was something she wanted then we gave it to her. She doesn't often get juice but but certainly had her fill throughout the weekend. While her fever wouldn't quite break it was down to 99 for a few days. Unfortunately we missed out on dinner with the girls on Friday night and Connor's baptism on Sunday. By Sunday afternoon she was fever free but...........seemed to pass it on to day. Yep. Not only that but Reagan only wanted milk when she woke up from her nap on Sunday. She would scream like crazy when her cup was emptying so we kept filling it. Without realizing it she drank about 5 cups in 2-3 hours. Needless to say, it didn't really stay in there very long. Monday lead to tummy issues and she has been slowly recovering ever since. Dad has also been slowly recovering all week but seems to be better as well. The good news is that while sick throughout the weekend Reagan was really in a fabulous mood.

Reagan knows how to say cheese now. Not sure that we get the effect we want though.

Trying on Daddy's boots.

Enjoying outside a little bit.

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