Thursday, January 15, 2009

Update - 35 weeks and Reagan

35 Weeks - It really could be any day now. Abigail has made the big turn so that concern is out of the way. The ultrasound tech is the same one that I have had for every ultrasound I have ever had. She is wonderful. It seems that Abigail has a full head of hair but after Reagan that isn't a surprise. Right now she is tiny compared to Reagan. They estimate that she is just shy of 6 pounds which could be off 3/4 lb either way. At this point I think that Reagan was already at 7! And then the tech confirmed what I already knew, she is one feisty little girl. She was not too happy about staying still for measurements and likes to move her head around, a lot! I could have told everyone that. She likes to kick the wand of the ultra sound machine but tends to do that at many visits when they are trying to listen to her heartbeat. So Dad doesn't have to worry about re-painting the pink room as she is still a girl. Perhaps we should finish the room though and buy a couple of last minute things!

Reagan - She is growing every day in so many ways that it is amazing. Everyday is something new. She is saying more words and will repeat almost anything you say or at least attempt to. I drew on her magna doodle the other night the letters of the alphabet. We got through L before she got bored and she said each letter after we did. It was shocking. She still doesn't necessarily say a lot of words on her own but is getting better about it. She is able to reach everything it seems and can suddently get onto chairs that she couldn't before. She can walk up and down the stairs unassisting though loves to hold someone's hand while doing it. She is still very loving and hands out hugs and kisses to everyone. She is not terribly shy which may be bad later. She had no problem running around at the baby shower last weekend with a house full of people that she didn't really know and would talk to people, ask them to pick her up, eat food off their plates, etc. She is very helpful and wants to help with everything. She is going to be a wonderful big sister.

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