Sunday, February 21, 2010

12 months old

About a week late but we got it done. We had Abby's 12 month appty the same day so it made sense, or that's what I tell myself. Abby is now 18lbs 8.75oz which puts her in the 15% (up from 3!) and she is 27.5in which is in the 10%, and her large head is in the 70%. She will obviously stay rear facing for quite some time, in fact she is still easily in the infant carrier. Dr. Nguyen found that to be funny. She also thought it was funny that she is still in 3-6 month clothes. Just a tiny thing but even the Drs thinks she has a big personality.

Abby has not been sleeping well for the past week or so but we knew she was teething. Before her appt we could see that the tooth had broken the skin. What we didn't know until the appt was........there were 4, not just the 1, teeth coming in at a time. Also, a double ear infection! Always good to have a reason to go with the crankiness. So now we're loaded up on Amoxicillan along with teething tablets and motrin. Hopefully once we get past this next week we'll be good to go.




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