Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Santa 2010

We made the big trip to the mall the second weekend in December. The girls were very excited. I was actually surprised by how excited Abby was. She spots Santa everywhere and says "ho ho". Appears to love him. Even with that and taking her up to see him while we were waiting in line and she was still excited I knew it wouldn't last. With her fear of men and just a kids natural fear of Santa at a young age I was curious to see what would happen. Could it be that the girls would both sit on his lap and take a picture? Would there be smiles this year? What do you think?

Abby wouldn't even sit on his lap. Eh, maybe next year. On a happy note Reagan actually talked to him this year. She asked him for a Princess Bear (WTF?) and was very excited about talking to him.

Funny story - later that afternoon I heard Reagan freak out. I asked her what was wrong and she said that she forgot to ask Santa for Abby's present. Apparently she was going to ask Santa to bring Abby a Cheerleader Bear. I'm pretty sure Reagan has never seen either of these bears anywhere. The only thing I can think of is that was what they were both dressed as for Halloween. Needless to say this Mommy was scurrying around trying to find a couple of bears before Christmas.

1 comment:

Court said...

The same thing happened with us - Maggie OUT OF THE BLUE says that she's asked Santa for a red train. Um, a what?! I was already done with the shopping and needless to say, a red train wasn't in the mix. Couldn't get to fast enough. Geez :)