Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

I have a New Years Resolution to keep up better on here so we'll see how it goes.

I sadly do not have a lot of pics from Thanksgiving weekend likely since I got pretty sick. Even sick we had a wonderful time. Grandma & Grandpa came in on Tuesday to spend the holiday with us. On Wednesday we baked, a lot, too much, oh well.

On Thanksgiving we packed ourselves up and headed over to spend the day with the family. Abby was not in the best of moods and had been sick earlier in the week. Her dislike of men was at a all time high and her attachment issues were not too fun either. This has been pretty new to us since Reagan will go to anyone and would walk away with a stranger. See, this is what happened when I left her outside and Dad always wasn't around (Granny tried but couldn't make it better):

Abby did take a minute to get up on the saddle with Reagan.

Like Reagan's outfit that she chose to wear? A tutu with boots. Why not.

On Sunday we decided to head over to the Zoo with Grandma & Grandpa. While it was chilly the sun was out and it was a beautiful day. Also, there was no one there!

1 comment:

Delia said...

Reagan must be taking fashion advice from my sister. She wears the tutu and boots quite often.