Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Not a Fan of February

I don't think this month likes us very we\ll. It's, um, a little bit cold. Monday was a very beautiful day in the 70's. Yesterday dropped from the 70's to the 40's at our house quite quickly and then down into the 30's. And the wind, wow the wind. It was a bit gusty to say the least. So gusty it did this:

Yes folks, that is a gazebo that used to have a cover. The wind ripped it right off! I am not too pleased that I will have to purchase another one.

It froze last night and was in the 20's most of the day.

That was frozen solid. It was crazy. But the best part of the whole day was the rolling black outs, yes black outs. It was lovely. They hit our house every 45 minutes starting at 6:30am. For 45 minutes the power would be out and then it would be back on for 45 minutes. This by the way is not an ideal situation when you work from home. We lost power about 5 times before it finally stayed on. Apparently it may snow later this week. Yes, February is not a fan of us so far...........

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