Monday, February 14, 2011


Our cold in February turned into Snowmageddon. It was crazy. In preparation of the ice/snow that was to hit us Thursday night/Friday morning schools and business started shutting down on Thursday afternoon. I'm sure that everyone up north was laughing at us but we really are not equipped to deal with all that ice and snow bring. So most businesses and all schools were closed that Friday. When we woke up on Friday we looked outside to A lot of ice! We had icicles everywhere and the ice on the deck was thick, very thick. The kids were of course home and Dad decided to stay home and work from the house as well. It was just a very strange day with a strange vibe. And how much snow did we get you ask? None. Yep, I didn't see a single snowflake. We had one upset 3 year old as Reagan had her heart set on making snow angels.

Oddly enough on Saturday, the weather was just fine! In fact, we were able to take the girls outside and run off some of that crazy pent up energy!

Reagan doesn't quite have the pedaling down yet but she's getting there. She got a bit frustrated so we quite. Then she decided she wanted to jog. She and Dad jogged around the block while I pushed Abby on the trike. Reagan seriously almost jogged the whole block. It was crazy. We were thankful for at least the one pretty day!

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