Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Quinn Campbell

On March 8th we headed to the hospital to be induced just 2 days before Quinn's due date. There were several factors included in the decision to which the Dr and I decided to move forward with induction. We're of course very familiar with induction as all of the girls were. Induction started at 6-6:30am and at 1:45pm Quinn Campbell was born. She was 8lbs and 19.75inches long. She has blue eyes and a full head of very dark hair.

Minutes old. 

Quinn had some issues getting her temperature up to normal levels. It was decided that they would place her under a warmer for a bit until she got up to 98.6. As Reagan & Abby were on the way up to the hospital the nurse was nice enough to bring the warmer to us so she wouldn't have to go to the nursery.

 Warmer = baby torture device. 

Once the girls came up the nurse agreed to take her out of the warmer for a bit and triple wrapped Quinn up so the girls could hold her.

 Reagan was instantly in love. 

 Abby was not quite sure what to think. It was a lot to take in 
and she's always wary of new situations right away.

 Grandma with grandkid #4

It took awhile for Abby to come and see my as she was afraid of the tubes, etc. 
but she finally warmed up a bit. 

 After everyone left the nurses had Quinn do a little skin to
 skin therapy to keep her temps at the right level.

Oh those lips!

The next day Dad brought the girls back up to see us and we had a couple of other visitors as well. When Abby was asked if she wanted to hold Quinn she told us not til tomorrow when we were home. We told her that was fine and whenever she was ready.

 My loves!

 All on her own she sat next to me and asked for a pillow 
and then asked for Quinn. It was surprising yet sweet.

Reagan on the other hand would hold her all day long if allowed. 

We have a visit from the Stanards:

 Sarah & Quinn

Jess also came up for a visit and took a few pictures:

Time to head home!

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