Friday, December 27, 2013

Quinn - 9 months

9 months = no shots at check up so Yay! A couple of weeks before Quinn turned 9 months and right before Thanksgiving I had a feeling and we went with it and it turned out Quinn had her first double ear infection. Luckily we got her on meds before we got on a plane. But her 9 month check up was my first time to meet her new doctor since ours has moved :-(. Our new Dr. has a different demeanor and will take some getting used to. She found Quinn to be in great health and even though I left the office without my normal papers stating her length/weight I do remember that she was in the 25th percentile and is currently tiny like Abby though I think a little bit bigger. And even though I said no to A LOT of questions in regards to where she's at she said she wasn't worried if I wasn't. So as of her 9 month appt. she wasn't crawling(though she can scoot across a room), she wasn't saying 3 words, wasn't waving, wasn't playing patty cake on her own, wasn't pulling to a stand on things, etc. and I'm ok with that. 

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