Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Abby - 18 months

Somehow someway Abby is now 1 1/2 year old!

We went to see our favorite Dr. today and here are Abby's stats:

weight - 21lbs 12.5oz - 15%
height - 30.5in - 15%
And her head is still a whopping 75%

She only had to have one shot today and Reagan held her hand during it. All is well and they are happy with her progress and that she still on the charts. She's still tiny and wearing 6-12 month clothes though. She still doesn't have a lot of words but who needs them when she has Reagan talking for her all the time. I imagine once she starts school she'll be able to blossom on her own. Yes, that's right. Abby is starting school with Reagan in just a little over a week and we are all so excited!


Jessica Davis said...

Such a big beautiful girl!!! :-)

Delia said...

Uh...Cooper is def bigger than Abby. That's ok - little girls are supposed to be cute and tiny.

Dana said...

what a little pumpkin! reagan is such a good big sister!