Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Joe's 4th Birthday & Meeting Jocelyn

Last weekend we headed up to Ft.Worth 2, well 3 really, reasons:

1. To celebrate Joe's 4th birthday
2. To meet Jocelyn who was born the week before
3. To see the Davis Family! It's no fun living far from friends. : (

We drove in Friday night and went straight to the hotel. Shockingly we ran into the Stanard's at the hotel and talked a bit as the kids ran in circles. It was unfortunately a long night in our room and we were up early the next morning. We all met up for breakfast and then we headed over to the Davis' where I had the pleasure of babysitting sweet little 1.5 week old Jocelyn while everyone else headed to the birthday party.

Seriously, I got to spend a few hours with this cuteness:

Here is the birthday boy!


 Reagan quickly found Jason! She has a special place in her heart for him.


 Born a day apart!

 I saw this and wondered what the................

 Ah, I should have known! ; )

After the party everyone came back to the Davis house. We had lunch and got the chance to hang out, talk, and just be. And of course you know the girls (and Dad!) wanted to get their hands on Jocelyn!

 Reagan couldn't wait to get her hands on her! She waited as patiently as she could for her to wake up.

 Getting in a few more snuggles before we hit the road. Look how beautiful Jess looks!

 Shortly before we left Abby decided she wanted to hold her and then she wouldn't stop kissing her!

Aw! Dad couldn't keep his hands off of her either. He held her several times and I caught him sitting and watching her sleep for a bit. Don't anyone get any ideas though!

1 comment:

Jessica Davis said...

Awhhhh love you guys. You are right! It's no fun living away from friends! :-(. Miss you!